Sarah Lovingood Kronemeyer, Owner & Founder

Sarah Lovingood Kronemeyer, Owner & Founder

it’s great to meet you. 

I left the big ad agency world in 2016 after 7 years of working on enterprise brands during the birth years of digital advertising as we know it today.

The timing of my career and the careers of my team members gives us the unique advantage of being trained in traditional media buying while also being the pioneers of digital display ads, paid social and paid search.

Over the last 8 years, we’ve been fortunate enough to work on some of the largest-scale luxury real estate projects in the southeast. While we’ve definitely found a niche here–we have experience in nearly every business vertical and also have a sister company, Gild Group, that works exclusively in ecommerce.

Ready to get to know us? Email me at sarah@lovingoodmedia.com.